Redistricting Feedback

The redistricting feedback boards are no longer accepting comments, but they are still available for viewing.

In preparation for the opening of Hopewell Elementary and Walden Middle School for the 2019-2020 school year, and in order to balance our very different high school enrollments, we will be redistricting all of our attendance boundaries, from elementary through high school.

Redistricting will help us continue to be one of the best districts around by protecting our low class sizes and making sure we can balance our resources.

Redistricting info on district website

At its Thursday, Dec. 13 meeting, the Park Hill Board of Education voted to approve a recommendation for redistricting our school attendance area boundaries. The new boundaries will take effect with the start of the 2019-2020 school year.

The scenario came from the redistricting committee, which started meeting in August to develop a recommendation to the Board. The committee came up with dozens of different ideas and listened to thousands of comments from the public, both online and in person. Using that feedback, the committee chose a final recommendation and created a list of adjustments for staff to consider. District administrators made as many of those changes as possible while still meeting the Board’s criteria.

Board-Approved Scenario for Redistricted Boundaries

The Board also approved the staff recommendation for grandfathering, allowing some students to remain at their current schools:

  • The Board will allow families of students who are currently in fourth, ninth, 10th and 11th grades to choose to remain at their current school.
  • Transportation will be the responsibility of the family.
  • Grandfathering will not apply to these students' siblings.
  • High-school families will need to make a decision to remain at the school before February 1, 2019 and elementary families will need to decide by March 1, 2019.
  • Students must meet district residency and attendance requirements.

Responding to concerns from some families about making sure students who have greater needs receive the resources they need, Superintendent Dr. Jeanette Cowherd said, “Our district and school leaders have been working to address these issues. To ensure that we are responsive to our community, I will be working with my administrative team to take an even deeper look at the equitable balance of resources across our schools, with the goal of ensuring that we meet the academic and behavioral needs of all students at all of our schools.”

In preparation for the opening of Hopewell Elementary and Walden Middle School for the 2019-2020 school year, and in order to balance our very different high school enrollments, we will be redistricting all of our attendance boundaries, from elementary through high school.

Redistricting will help us continue to be one of the best districts around by protecting our low class sizes and making sure we can balance our resources.

Redistricting info on district website

At its Thursday, Dec. 13 meeting, the Park Hill Board of Education voted to approve a recommendation for redistricting our school attendance area boundaries. The new boundaries will take effect with the start of the 2019-2020 school year.

The scenario came from the redistricting committee, which started meeting in August to develop a recommendation to the Board. The committee came up with dozens of different ideas and listened to thousands of comments from the public, both online and in person. Using that feedback, the committee chose a final recommendation and created a list of adjustments for staff to consider. District administrators made as many of those changes as possible while still meeting the Board’s criteria.

Board-Approved Scenario for Redistricted Boundaries

The Board also approved the staff recommendation for grandfathering, allowing some students to remain at their current schools:

  • The Board will allow families of students who are currently in fourth, ninth, 10th and 11th grades to choose to remain at their current school.
  • Transportation will be the responsibility of the family.
  • Grandfathering will not apply to these students' siblings.
  • High-school families will need to make a decision to remain at the school before February 1, 2019 and elementary families will need to decide by March 1, 2019.
  • Students must meet district residency and attendance requirements.

Responding to concerns from some families about making sure students who have greater needs receive the resources they need, Superintendent Dr. Jeanette Cowherd said, “Our district and school leaders have been working to address these issues. To ensure that we are responsive to our community, I will be working with my administrative team to take an even deeper look at the equitable balance of resources across our schools, with the goal of ensuring that we meet the academic and behavioral needs of all students at all of our schools.”

The redistricting feedback boards are no longer accepting comments, but they are still available for viewing.

Do you have a question about the redistricting process? 

We will answer most questions privately, but we might post some of the questions and answers here, publicly. You will receive an email when we respond. Please check your spam folder to make sure you don't miss it.

We also have answers to frequently asked questions about redistricting on our website.

  • While there is a Board policy that allows Seniors to grandfather into their current school after redistricting, I'm wondering how students going into 10th or 11th are affected, especially considering students in the band, athletes or others actively involved at their current high school. Is there consideration for keeping those students at their current schools through graduation? How would a switch affect college scholarships/acceptance?

    Krista W asked almost 6 years ago

    The Board will receive a recommendation from staff about this at the Dec. 6 meeting, and the Board is scheduled to vote on it at its Dec. 13 meeting.

  • Where can I find information on each schools capacity? Thanks.

    RLH asked almost 6 years ago

    On the district website, we annually post a demographic profile that includes this kind of information.

    Demographic Profile

  • I would also be interested in finding out how to request grandfathering. My son is currently attending Renner

    Katherine Hilt asked almost 6 years ago

    The Board will consider the question of grandfathering as a separate question once it has decided on the redistricting of the boundaries.

  • What is the best way to address the board about general considerations and comments on redistricting. These comments are not scenario specific but things I would like the board to keep in mind when selecting the final scenario.

    Tia Tenbrink asked almost 6 years ago

    Special Board of Education Meeting 
    7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 6 at the district office
    The Board will consider the committee’s recommendation and listen to comments from community members who choose to attend and speak. As it always does during public comments at Board meetings, the Board will ask people to keep their remarks to three minutes and to speak only about things that other speakers have not already covered. Board members do not respond to comments or questions during these public meetings, but the Board can direct staff members to connect with people who have questions.

    Board of Education Meeting 
    7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 13 at the district office
    The Board is scheduled to vote on the committee’s redistricting recommendation and on the staff’s recommendations about grandfathering. This will be part of the Board’s regular meeting, which always includes opportunities for public comment. We will send out an email to the community right away Wednesday evening, letting everyone know what the Board decided.

  • For those of us that live in a neighborhood that includes students from both Park Hill and Platte County R-3 school districts, is there any reason to worry that Platte Co students may be redistricted to have to go to Park Hill schools now? Thanks.

    Kristen C. asked almost 6 years ago

    No, we are only working on the boundaries within Park Hill between our schools. Our boundaries with other school districts will stay the same.

  • I have been informed that in evaluating enrollment balance criteria, the committee was provided with enrollment targets for each school. What is the enrollment target for each elementary and each middle school in the district?

    CJL asked almost 6 years ago

    The committee used enrollment targets of 471 at nine elementary schools, and 515 at two elementary schools (Union Chapel and Graden). This was based on the location of district-wide special programs that are planned to use regular education classrooms within the nine elementary schools. The middle school targets varied based upon the high school scenario in which the schools fed (the high school boundaries were drawn first). The middle school targets varied around approximately 680 students.

  • Doesn't the state give more financial help to buildings that have 40% free and reduced lunches? While trying to keep the schools more economically balanced, are we losing state funding?

    Shannon Bailey asked almost 6 years ago

    The state of Missouri does weight special populations, such as free-and-reduced-lunch enrollment, within the state foundation formula. The weighting is done based upon district enrollment counts and not at the school building level. Park Hill School District’s free and reduced lunch count is not high enough as a school district to qualify for the additional funding from the state.

  • Based on feedback posted to this site and feedback about the first public input meeting, it is clear that Park Hill families are extremely vested in their children's future within the school district as they should be. How is the communities feedback and input going to be addressed with respect to improving the redistricting scenarios? These are very important decisions and outcomes the committee and Board will be projecting on our youth and our families voices should count for something.

    Jan asked almost 6 years ago

    The redistricting committee, the Board of Education and senior administrators are all listening to the feedback here on Park Hill Listens and at our open houses. They will use the feedback to decide how to move forward in December.

  • Can you post the current map with the data sheets. I feel like a lot of people don't realize that many of us already do drive past other elementary schools to get to our current one. I love that there aren't random pockets and cut outs and that the lines are much more cleanly drawn than what we currently have. I think some people don't realize the current map.

    JK asked almost 6 years ago

    Here is the boundary locator tool from our district website, which shows the current boundaries. Hope this helps!

  • For the 4 final scenarios, will the scores be posted for each in total and by individual criteria 1-5 for enrollment balance, distance to school, economic balance, maintain subdivision, an minimize attendance changes prior to Friday when input can be given by the community?

    Rebecca Rose asked almost 6 years ago

    We had several requests like yours, so we are going to provide this data after all. We are preparing this information about how each scenario does in each of the Board's criteria, and we will post it as soon as it is available.